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Best supplement to treat PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal imbalance that affects women. PCOS causes women to create more male hormones than they should. This hormonal imbalance causes people to miss menstrual periods, making it difficult for them to conceive.

Hair growth on the face and body, as well as baldness, are all symptoms of PCOS. It can also lead to long-term health issues such as diabetes and heart disease.

Birth control pills and diabetes medications (which treat insulin resistance, a sign of PCOS) can help to correct the hormone imbalance and alleviate symptoms.

Indications of PCOS

PCOS signs and symptoms usually appear around the time of puberty's first menstrual period. PCOS can develop later in life, for example, as a result of significant weight gain.

PCOS shows itself in a variety of ways. When you have at least two of the following symptoms, you have PCOS.

Periods of irregularity - The most prevalent symptom of PCOS is infrequent, irregular, or extended menstrual periods. For example, you may have less than nine periods per year, a period interval of more than 35 days, or extremely heavy periods.

Androgen excess - Excess face and body hair (hirsutism), as well as severe acne and male-pattern baldness, can all be symptoms of elevated male hormone levels.

Ovary polycystic - Your ovaries could be larger, with follicles around the eggs. As a result, the ovaries may stop working properly.

Causes of PCOS

It is unknown what causes PCOS. Factors that could influence the outcome include:

Insulin excess - Insulin is a hormone generated by the pancreas that allows cells to use sugar as a source of energy. Your blood sugar levels may rise and your body may create more insulin if your cells grow resistant to the effects of insulin. Excess insulin may boost testosterone production, making ovulation problematic.

Inflammation at a low level - The synthesis of chemicals by white blood cells to fight infection is referred to as this phrase. Women with PCOS have a form of low-grade inflammation that causes their polycystic ovaries to create androgens, which can cause heart and blood vessel problems, according to research.

Heredity - Certain genes have been related to PCOS, according to research.

Androgen excess - Hirsutism is caused by excessively high quantities of androgen produced by the ovaries.

Supplement for PCOS

PCOS Multivitamin Supplement by Health Veda Organics is a great option for women who need a little extra support living a healthy and active lifestyle. Menstrual cycles are challenging to sustain when it comes to women's health.

Because of your busy schedule and lack of sufficient diet, your health suffers, resulting in hormone imbalance. If not managed, this could result in serious consequences. Health Veda supplement is beneficial for busy women's health. Have a look at this amazing product, the link is given below.

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